I Want To Be A Comedian, But I'm Not Funny

While “high” on gas during the delivery of my first born, I’ve had a couple of epiphanies. One of them is that if I am to have a “creative hobby” it would be to write (hence this blog). I’ve had a couple of other revelations that would only bore you, but towards the end of my “revelation episode” while inhaling some gas, I pushed God some more and asked Him - “Should I try stand-up comedy? You know I’ve been curious about that” and I think His answer was a laugh -  so maybe? 

Looking back, I think my interest on stand-up comedy started when I was in college, around year 2007. I remember having a case of insomnia and being left awake and no one to talk to I flick thru free-to-air channels in our no-cable television. And there in it's late night glory is “Late Night with David Letterman” and I particularly enjoyed his segment called “Top 10 List”. From then on, I always make sure to stay up to watch the show. That introduced me to a myriad of comedians I’ve never heard before... then I learned about Conan O'Brien, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel. Yes, I have not seen any episode of SNL before that, and boy was that a revelation.

Imagine my surprise when I learned that the cool mum and the teacher in Mean Girls are actually very talented comedians Amy Poehler and Tina Fey.

Thanks to the internet, I was able to catch-up quickly. And a long list and catch up has to be done by my living under the rock self but I am so happy (laughing) having been introduced to it.

Aside from all the watching (and wow, what a big thing Netflix has done to stand up atleast from my perspective), I have read auto biographies of comedians, and even got the chance to see a couple of live comedic performances over here in Brisbane (thank you to my pal Paul who is well-versed in this world).

Who knows, I could be living a Marvelous Mrs. Maisel life soon (lol, far-fetched).

xx, Belle.


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