[Movie] Almost Famous

As mentioned on this post, I've had some time to watch a lot of movies/series during the holidays. Lucky, one of the streaming services we have has Almost Famous. I get to re-watch it. This movie has always have a special place in my heart.

I think I've first watched this back in college when I and my college friend Mhadz would visit the video rental store in our city of Lipa in the Philippines and exchanged copies to maximise the rentals. Side bar - imagine explaining that concept to kids this day (does sharing Netflix password be a good comparison?).

Anyways, this movie was actually released back in 2000 so I was a little late when I first watched it, but it's cinematography held up good. And to be fair, Kate Hudson who played the lead woman on the movie never aged a day so I could honestly have seen it on its release day and I wouldn't see any difference.

In case you have not seen it yet, just a quick movie premise, fifteen-year-old William Miller accompanies Stillwater, a rock band, on their tour in order to write an article about them and learns about relationships along the way.

This show starred (as mentioned) Kate Hudson as Penny Lane. For this role she won a Golden Globe and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. She's really good in it!

It also starred Patrick Fugit as the main character William, Billy Crudup as the most famous member of the starring band, Stillwater , Zooey Deschanel as the sister of William , Philip Seymour Hoffman as William's mentor, Frances McDormand as William's mum, and even Jimmy Fallon. Honestly, way back then I don't know any other works of these people (granted, I have not watched as much movie back then) but re-watching it, I was like "Oh, he / she is in it!" Yes, apparently my introduction to Jimmy Fallon was that of a douche-y band manager (...instead of the Jimmy I adore now. What a trip.).

If you have a movie that resonated with you or just sends you to a good place and you have not seen it in a while, I suggest re-watching it. It's a beautiful experience (and could also be eye opening when you noticed details that has gone over your head the first time you watched it).

My thoughts as I re-watched the movie ranges but initially it was the the audacity of my young self to think that I looked like Kate Hudson (cause she has an oval shape / heart shape face like me). A young girl can dream...

I did see the movie with a different layer now. Back then, I can only relate to William's character - a young kid who loved music and writing. I still wish I had his opportunity to get to write for a major music publishing company. I do blog and continue to write, so tap on the back myself.

But now, I can relate to William's mum as well, of course! Her worries about his son travelling with a rock star band seems strongly valid to me, but back then all I can think of is how dare her stop him from doing his passion. But now, I'm like anak, you'll understand. She did eventually let him 'cause as my mum heart understood, of course you want your son happy! 

Top scenes for me would be when Penny Lane said this statement -

“I always tell the girls never take it seriously. If you never take it seriously, you never get hurt. If you never get hurt, you always have fun. And if you ever get lonely, you can just go to the record store and visit your friends.”

William's mum did say a golden line (or few) like “Adolescence is a marketing tool.”

I also loved the performance of Philip Seymour Hoffman as the mentor. He said, “The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you’re uncool.”

And of course, the most endearing line for me is when Penny Lane say "It's all happening" which for me is her away of saying enjoy the moment.

I enjoyed this movie (there are scenes that may have not aged well, and of course you have to be aware of that)... but there are beautiful moments and the overall story sends me. My heart still smiles on the bus + tiny dancer scene.

You are home.

xx, Belle.


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